Hanna Tsepesh: Moro (Hello) Khaos! Welcome back to THE GATES OF METAL and thanks a lot for accepting this second interview! First of all, how are you and how are the things with the band since the last time we spoke?
Khaos: Hell-o Hanna and thank you very much for the interrest. All is well in the Deathchain camp, still very satisfied with the album and so seem the people who have supported and bought the album.
Hanna Tsepesh: Great! Let’s talk about the new album “DEATH ETERNAL”. This album kick ass! I don’t have words to tell how much i liked “DEATH ETERNAL” album, and i also have to tell you that if i give one score I will give this album: 10! I am very very surprised with DEATHCHAIN talent, and for me this album is one of the best albums of this year, i can’t say nothing bad about it! For our readers to know more about “DEATH ETERNAL”, can you talk a little bit about it? What DEAHCHAIN want to transmit for your fans and listeners out there?
Khaos: Thank you again, as I said we are very satisfied with the final result. I would say that the album is a fine blend of death/black and thrash metal, it has a very dark and varied atmosphere throughout. We hope that it is not too easy to get into, cause those albums tend to be quite shortlived. I think we have achieved what we wanted with this part of our art. What we want to transmit to people? Well as a first listen it has to grip the person by the throat and make him listen a litlle more, get brainwashed by the songs. Get him addicted, so to speak. I think the best way is to listen to it as loud as possible while reading the lyrics, should be a worthwhile trip.
Hanna Tsepesh: If i was our readers (that like this kind of sound) I surely bought this album, because they will be very surprised! For you, what is the differences between this album and the previous one?
Khaos: It feels that the songs are more in balance with eachother, there are different moods in the songs ofcourse but the darkness has a firm grip and death breathes down your neck all the time. To name bands that some people have mentioned when listening to it : Morbid Angel, Marduk and even Nile? In my opinion the main difference is that there are better songs and the soundscape is better.
Hanna Tsepesh: About ther ecording studio process it was easy to record this album? Did you had any problems?
Khaos: We recorded this piece at a cabin by the lake near the bands hometown Kuopio, a quite relaxed place to make this kind of a monster. There were no problems whatsoever, only thing that made it a litlle difficult was the travelling there as it was in the middle of nowhere. We had all tracks ready and demoed before going there, so it was mainly to whip the best out of us.Hanna Tsepesh: About the “DEATH ETERNAL” cover album, i liked a lot too! Can you talk a little bit about the cover? Who was the person responsible to create this great work? I have the feeling that he or she knows a lot of DEATHCHAIN style because the cover transmits a lot about “ DEATH ETERNAL” are! My congratulations for the person who made this great work!
Khaos: The cover was drawn by a friend called Johnny”Bleeding”Maddox and edited by Markus Räisänen (who also does our t-shirt desings), they both did an excellent job. it suites the music perfectly, the ideas for the pictures come from Corpse. He has a twisted and brilliant mind.
Hanna Tsepesh: It was you that gave the album title (DEATH ETERNAL)? There’s any reason for this title? If so, can you tell us what it is?
Khaos:Corpse came up with the name and he really never told me if there was anyother reason than the obvious, but it is the path we have chosen. LIFE INFERNAL-DEATH ETERNAL!
Hanna Tsepesh: When will DEATHCHAIN start to play live? Can you tell us dates/places?
Khaos: We have been doing alot of gigs here in finland, which have all really suprised us in a good way. The turnout has been great and the crowds have shown us blood and sweat.
Some Dates:
26.-28.7.2009 Tuska Open Air Metal Festival, Helsinki, FIN My Dying Bride, Amorphis, Pestilence, Legion Of The Damned etc. etc.
14.-15.8.2009 Jalometalli Festival, Club Teatria, Oulu, FIN Agent Steel (USA), Voivod (CAN), Nifelheim (SWE), Hail Of Bullets (HOL)
More dates coming all the time, check out our page for the latest news.
Hanna Tsepesh: Thank you! If you can choose one band to share the stage with, what will be your answer?
Khaos: Entombed, because it is my all time favorite band. Dissection would have been the other option, but as it is not possible anymore. I guess the others would choose Iron Maiden.Hanna Tsepesh: Besides the music, what do you like to do?
Khaos: good food, running, movies, travelling, getting hammered. The basic bullshit.
Hanna Tsepesh: What was the best lesson that you learn in this years with DEATHCHAIN?
Khaos: That christian fundamentalists have a hatred that is rooted much deeper than anyone I know.
Hanna Tsepesh: I talked with some finnish people that like a lot DEATHCHAIN and i see that you are already a big band in your country. So i ask you, If any person ask you in your country one big advise to start a band, what will be your answer?
Khaos: Trust no one.that is my one and only advice.
Hanna Tsepesh: Do you want to send any message for your fans out there and people that going to read this interview?
Khaos: Go get the albums, come to the shows and support the underground! Those who allready do so? Your support is much appreciated!
Hanna Tsepesh: Thanks so much for your anwers and given time! Once again THE GATES OF METAL wish DEATHCHAIN a lot of success with your new album “DEATH ETERNAL” and good luck with your future gigs! I really hope that one day i can see you guys in here and i believe that i am not the only Portuguese to think that…
Khaos: Thank you! We hope to get our asses over there as soon as possible! Cheers!
By: Hanna Tsepesh
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